New Algorithms and Implementations for 5G Polar Codes

🔔IEEE student branch of Shahid Beheshti University presents:
🔹New Algorithms and Implementations for 5G Polar Codes (Free Webinar)🔹
🎤 Lecturer:
👨🏻🏫 Dr. Furkan Ercan
📋 Resume :
🔹 Ph.D. degree from Integrated systems for Information processing (ISIP) lab at McGill University.
🔹 Postdoctoral Associate at the Wireless Integrated systems and extreme Circuits (WISE-Circuits) lab at Boston University.
🔹 Collaboration with Prof. Muriel Medard (MIT) and Prof. Ken Duffy (Maynooth).
🔹 Vice-Chair of IEEE Montreal section.
🗓 17th of May (27th of Ordibehesht)
⏱7:30 PM in IRST (Iran Time Zone)
🔽 Please join the group below for free registration: